Tag Archives: random

my blogging process

My apologies to those of you who subscribe and may have received an accidental post earlier today. By mistakenly clicking “Publish” instead of “Save Draft,” I’ve been busted for thinking about Christmas shopping already, even if I wasn’t planning on really posting about it yet. Because of that slip-up, I thought I’d let you into my random blogging head and discuss my typical blogging process (if I can use such a structured word). It’s pretty simple, so no need to take notes or anything.

When I have even a random idea for a post (inspiration comes from ALL over, seriously), I’ll jot it down in a notebook in my purse, a note on my phone, or if I’m close to my computer I’ll begin a draft right then and there. I’ll write a few sentences or key words to remind me of what the basic idea was, and then save it to be edited and published later.* When I was in Germany earlier this spring, I actually got to the point of having a posting calendar, which can be helpful if I actually follow through with writing/editing/finding photos for/posting with that schedule, but to be honest, blogging sometimes just takes too much time, and there’s more to life than voluntarily staring at a screen when you don’t need to.

And that’s about all there is to my process! Once in a while I’ll get a series going (TIMW has had 32; I can’t believe it!) but usually I blog about whatever I feel like, when I feel like it.

So, for those of you who saw the “Christmas shopping tip” post mistake earlier, you’ve got the inside scoop on one of my favorites, but rest assured that it will be polished a bit more before I actually publish it at a more appropriate time of year.** Well, better not rest assured, in case I don’t get around to actually finishing the draft, but I digress…

For those of you who blog, what is your process? I’m curious to know if it’s similar to mine. And speaking of creative processes, have you seen these graphics of how famous creatives structured their days? It’s fascinating! I think I may need to find someone called Juliette (or a pub called Juliette’s) and end each day with dinner, cards, and conversation with friends at her place à la Victor Hugo.

*Or more than likely, it will be forgotten about completely because of other bursts of inspiration – I have old drafts dating from 2010 still lurking around. Maybe I’ll get to them eventually.

**Some may think that November 1 is an appropriate time of year to be posting about Christmas shopping, but I generally do not. However, I will admit it’s less shocking seeing Christmas decorations in stores now that we’ve actually had some snow up here.

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This is Me When-sday: 31

Wednesday’s back, so here come some GIFs describing how I feel in certain situations. (Also, if you’ve missed one in the past, you can always click on the “This is me When-sday” link next to “Filed under:” at the bottom of the post to see them all!) So, without further ado:

This is me when…

…I’m watching Anne of Green Gables with Derek and he’s not crying as hard as I am (spoiler alert) when Matthew dies:


This is me when…I try to go to Hobby Lobby on a Sunday:how could i be so stupid

This is me when…it’s getting late and I’ve been packing for too long:


This is me when…an awesome song comes on the radio:

listening to my favorite song

Hope you’re listening to some great tunes at the moment! Have a great rest of the week!

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This is Me When-sday: 30

Or, rather, This-is-Me-Thur-sday, but it just doesn’t have the same meaning. Anyway…

This is me when…

…I was about to fall asleep last night and realized Wednesday was over without me having posted:

oh no

Let’s just say it’s been a hectic few weeks.

This is [what I wish I could do] when…packing for our upcoming move:


This is me when…actually packing for our upcoming move:


This is me when…I get a new haircut:


Don’t forget, if you’ve missed one in the past, you can always click on the “This is me When-sday” link next to “Filed under:” below to see them all!

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This is Me When-sday: 29

Wednesday’s back, so here come some GIFs describing how I feel in certain situations. (Also, if you’ve missed one in the past, you can always click on the “This is me When-sday” link next to “Filed under:” at the bottom of the post to see them all!) So, without further ado:

This is me when…

…I see my 7- and 6-year-old nieces for the first time since Christmas:

give me a hug

Okay, not really. They give me hugs. And they play Legos with me. 🙂

This is me when…I’m having apple crisp and ice cream for breakfast and Derek points out that there is no nutritional value in it:


This is me when…the server brings my yellow curry at Ann’s Thai Kitchen:

when the server brings me yellow curry at Ann's Thai Kitchen

This is me when…several family members congratulate us and start asking questions about our impending move to Chicago all at once:

have a seat calm down

More on all that sometime soon, but in the meantime, have a great rest of the week!

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This is Me When-sday: 28

Wednesday’s back, so here come some GIFs describing how I feel in certain situations. (Also, if you’ve missed one in the past, you can always click on the “This is me When-sday” link next to “Filed under:” at the bottom of the post to see them all!) So, without further ado:

This is me when…

…I imagine what summer will be like in Texas:

zoolander car ride

This is me when…I’m actually experiencing summer in Texas:

summer in texas

This is me when…I meet my newest niece:

when one of my sisters has a baby

I’m actually at the airport waiting for my flight to meet her as we speak!


Hope you have as much to look forward to this weekend!

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30 Things: Final Update

Considering I’ve been 30 for almost 7 months now, I suppose it’s time for a final update to my 30-things list. Things I’ve finished appear in green below, yellow indicates “in progress,” and the things I never got around to are in red.

  1. Enjoy the last year of my 20s. Definitely feel good turning this one green!
  2. Walk the dog at least once/week. Well? We no longer have a dog, so this is now obsolete.
  3. Take a solo trip. Spent time in Chicago by myself in April 2013, and it was glorious.
  4. Sign up, train for, and compete in a race. Competed in my first ever triathlon. It was a disaster, but I finished!
  5. Spend time exploring Abilene. A bit, but could have been better…
  6. Send birthday cards to all immediate family –  19 of 20 done!(Confession – I don’t know how we forgot, but we missed my father in law’s b-day, and while he got an e-mail and phone call on the day of, he didn’t receive a card in the mail. I consider this a failure on my part.)
  7. Print out and frame at least 3 recent photos of loved ones. Yep!
  8. Submit an article/essay to be published. I entered a contest where the prize would include publication, so I’m counting this as done!
  9. Keep (however sparse) notes on the books I read/listen to this year. Yes – Derek got me a “reading journal” after I graduated in December and I’ve been doing a pretty good job keeping up with it so far (or at least I was for a while. Now? Not so much).
  10. Paint the front door a fun color. Y’all know this happened.
  11. Give a homemade gift. Yep!
  12. Create and print at least one photobook of life in the past 7 years. No…(and no excuse, either).
  13. Call my family more often. This one is so vague that it’s hard to judge – I haven’t been keeping track, really, but it feels like I have been. That counts, right?
  14. Go to the dentist. Yes! After almost 6 years, just 1 cavity! (I’m calling that a success.)
  15. Work on learning Spanish. Changed this to German, and yes, I definitely worked on it! 
  16. Organize our finances. I’m gonna say no on this one.
  17. Wear something that my kids will laugh at me for. Pretty sure that happens every day, but I haven’t bought something specifically for the shock value.
  18. Go to the First Monday flea market in Canton. Yep! We squeezed in a trip in October (or something).
  19. Write 50 blog posts. Yep!
  20. Take a road trip with Derek. Yep! Drove to Florida over Thanksgiving to see my brother and sis-in-law.
  21. Do a project I’ve pinned or marked in a magazine. Yep!
  22. Go somewhere I’ve never gone. Yep! (Over Thanksgiving for one, but also in Germany when we first arrived.)
  23. Do something that scares me. Moved to Germany for more than 4 months. I didn’t know much of the language and was responsible for college students. Definitely scary. 🙂
  24. Learn Photoshop basics. Worked on it a little, but still keeping this one yellow.
  25. Visit an old friend. Traveled to Baton Rouge to visit a high school friend finishing up a graduate degree in ceramics at LSU. It was short but sweet.
  26. Make banoffee pie. Yes! And it was good!
  27. Try out three new restaurants in Abilene. I’m sure I did, but I can’t name them right this second.
  28. Sell and give away some of our stuff (yard sale, consign, craigslist, etc.). Yes. If nothing else, I’ve craigslisted some furniture.
  29. Practice generosity and hospitality. Always a work in progress, so keeping this yellow to remind me to continue to strive for it!
  30. Write in my journal more often. Yes! That would be my private journal, the one that’s not on the Internet for the whole world to see.

Overall, not bad, and maybe I’ll start working on another list down the road.

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Filed under 30 things, food, Germany, Leipzig, Travel

This is Me When-sday: 27

It’s Wednesday! Here are some GIFs illustrating how I feel sometimes!

(Also, if you’ve missed one in the past, you can always click on the “This is me When-sday” link next to “Filed under:” at the bottom of the post to see them all!) So, without further ado:

This is me when…

…a slow driver is just hanging out in the left lane:

when slow people hang out in the left lane

This is me when…I don’t think I need a cart at the grocery store:

when i don't get a cart at the grocery store

This is me when…yet another roofing company stops by our house asking if we’d like an estimate (we had a bad hail storm recently, if you recall):

when another roofing company comes by

This is me when…the only snack I brought to work was carrots:

when all i brought to eat at work is carrot sticks

This is me when…I accidentally favorite and then immediately unfavorite a tweet:

when i accidentally favorite then quickly unfavorite a friend's tweet

Hope you’re having a great week and that you brought better snacks to work!

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This is Me When-sday: 26

Wednesday is here again, and so are some GIFs explaining how I feel at various points in my life.

(Also, if you’ve missed one in the past, you can always click on the “This is me When-sday” link next to “Filed under:” at the bottom of the post to see them all!) So, without further ado:

This is me when…

…Derek tells me the nutrition facts of the cookie I’m currently enjoying:

when derek tells me the nutrition facts of the cookie I'm eating

This is me when…I wear jeans right out of the dryer:

when i wear jeans right out of the dryer

This is me when…I don’t have anything nice to say:

when i don't have anything nice to say


This is me when…someone, referring to one’s life work, says, “Just do what you love!”:

do what you love


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This is Me When-sday: 25

It’s Wednesday, ladies and gentlemen (or, depending on how many readers I have, lady/gentleman)! In honor of the occasion, here are a few gifs that illustrate how I feel in certain situations.

(Also, if you’ve missed one in the past, you can always click on the “This is me When-sday” link next to “Filed under:” at the bottom of the post to see them all!) So, without further ado:

This is me when…

…I get real, actual, not-bill, not-junk snail mail:


This is me when…I drop something behind the couch:

when i drop something behind the couch

This is me when…we have an office meeting via Skype with my boss and he’s trying to assign a new project:

who me oh him


This is me when…a random stranger asks me to take a photo for him/her:

when a stranger asks me to take a photo

Hope your week is worthy of asking a stranger to take a photo for you!

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sunflowers and Wonder Woman underwear

With a 3-day weekend on the horizon last Monday and no husband in town, I did what any other girl would do in my situation: I bought some Wonder Woman underwear (really!) and planned an impromptu solo road trip! My main parameters for choosing a destination were:

  • Escape the heat
  • Drive less than 8 hours one way
  • Explore somewhere/something new
  • Limit Interstate driving

I decided on south-central New Mexico, and (spoiler alert) it was great. Like any responsible road tripper, I took care of some necessary items from my To Do list before setting out (namely, getting an oil change/car checkup and checking out an audiobook from the library) and then I made my plans.



On Friday I drove through much of Texas and just past the New Mexico town of Alamogordo to White Sands National Monument. Because I got started right after lunch, I arrived in WS at 7 p.m., right when the sun was setting. At the beginning of the drive through the park, I was underwhelmed, as I’d seen dunes before, and these all looked similar. However, once I drove further in, the white sands spread before me (those dots are people):


It was absolutely beautiful! I spent almost two hours watching the sunset, walking up and down the fine white sand, and just being generally incredulous as to the beauty surrounding me. Once I left the park, I checked in to my hotel in Alamogordo and went out to the back of it to watch the fireworks going off about a half mile away. It was a fun way to watch the show because I didn’t have to worry about traffic/fees/unfamiliar areas and I could go straight back into my room and be in bed 5 min. after it ended (a win in my book).


I was up early on Saturday to sample the fare at the Waffle and Pancake Shoppe, and true to form, everything from the no-frills silverware and heavy ceramic plates felt as familiar as it does in every down home mom-and-pop diner. The waitress, Nancy, suggested eggs and bacon, and gave me a pancake on the side instead of toast because, “After all, it’s in our name.” Breakfast was delicious, the coffee was hot, and I sat at the counter watching the cooks prepare food and in their downtime show one another photos of their families at the fireworks the night before.

IMG_8360After a big breakfast and a slow drive through some of the town, I packed up and headed to Ruidoso, about an hour away and up into the Sierra Blanca mountains. The downtown area (what they call Midtown) has the feel of a resort town, dotted with cute shops and restaurants being patronized by people wearing colorful flip flops, but I was meeting a friend for a hike, so I didn’t linger long. I met my friend and we went hiking for a couple hours in the Lincoln National Forest, then drove up to the Monjeau Fire Lookout to survey the surroundings and see firsthand some of the damage from the Little Bear wildfire that came dangerously close to the most populous areas of Ruidoso a couple of years ago.


We then had a late lunch at Casa Blanca, a restaurant in (fittingly) an old white house. I had green chile chicken enchiladas with the requisite rice and beans (they were really good; the beans especially so!) and a margarita (very refreshing, although not too potent), said goodbye to my friend, and went on my way once more. I stopped at Sacred Grounds on my way out of town for a pick-me-up for the rest of my day.

My next stop was the Mescalero Apache Reservation, where I attended the Ceremonial and Rodeo they were putting on that weekend. Even though it was open to the public, most of the people attending seemed to be of American Indian descent to some degree, so I felt somewhat conspicuous, although not at all unwelcome. The annual festival surrounds the coming-of-age ceremony for the young women of the tribe, and it was fascinating to see members who were dressed up (some more than others) in the traditional garb doing some of the traditional dances around a fire circle. One of the coolest aspects was that the families of the girls participating in the service prepared a meal for everyone in attendance (thousands), so I was able to sample fry bread, some kind of meat (I still don’t know what it was), a couple kinds of beans, pasta salad, corn, and watermelon, which were served out of huge vats lined up on tables. The Reservation board asked that we not take any photos of the proceedings, so you’ll have to imagine it all, but it was a really cool experience.

Once it started sprinkling a bit, I left the reservation and drove to nearby Cloudcroft, where I had booked a B&B for the night (sadly forgot to take photos). There I settled in to a comfortable room and woke up to the smell of pancakes and coffee. The hosts cooked “Ebleskivers,” traditional Dutch pancakes that are spherical in shape and sometimes cooked with apples or other fillings inside. They tasted great, and fueled me for a brief solo hike in the area. While hiking, I remember thinking about how great it would be to start every Sunday with good breakfast and a hike in the mountains!

I ate a quick lunch in Cloudcroft before starting the drive home, listening to Jane Eyre (which I’ve never read) and stopping to take a few photos of a beautiful sunflower field along the way. I made it home before the sun set and considered my weekend a success.



Hope your 4th of July (whether in the U.S. or not) was wonderful!


Filed under food, place, Texas, Travel, Uncategorized